Can I Get My Dog Vaccinated For Free

Can I Get My Dog Vaccinated For Free

Can I Get My Dog Vaccinated For Free – Singapore has been rabies free since 1953. But we must be vigilant. We can continue to eradicate rabies in Singapore. The Animal and Livestock Society (AVS) under the auspices of the National Animal Welfare Board has adopted preventive measures to prevent the introduction of rabies. These measures include import control as well as enforcement and monitoring of rabies vaccination.

The FAQs below explain what rabies is, how it is spread and what /AVS can do to prevent it from entering Singapore.

Can I Get My Dog Vaccinated For Free

Can I Get My Dog Vaccinated For Free

Rabies is a fatal disease caused by rabies that affects animals including humans. The virus is spread when an infected animal’s saliva comes into contact with other mammals’ wounds or mucous membranes (such as the eyes, nose, or mouth). For example, the rabies virus can be transmitted to humans when a rabid dog bites a human or licks a human’s exposed skin or mucous membranes.

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The virus travels from the site of infection through the muscles and eventually invades the nervous system and damages the brain.

Rabies is a fatal disease, but can be prevented in humans and animals by vaccination and proper treatment after infection. However, the World Organization for Animal Health (WOAH, formerly OIE) estimates that there are approximately 60,000 cases of rabies worldwide each year, and that one person dies of rabies every 10 minutes. In recent years, the World Health Organization (WHO), Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), WOAH and the Global Alliance for the Control of Rabies (GARC) have worked together to eliminate human disease from dog rabies. 2030.

Yes, Singapore has been rabies free since 1953. However, there are still reports of rabies in neighboring countries. To prevent rabies from entering Singapore, AVS works closely with the Immigration Department and border control agencies such as the Police and Coast Guard to take precautionary measures. These restrictions, including dog permits and strict import controls, help prevent the illegal importation of animals into Singapore. AVS identifies dog populations in areas with high rabies exposure (such as dogs on coastal farms) and administers the rabies vaccine to these dogs.

Rabies is a zoonotic disease that is transmitted from infected animals to humans. If left untreated, the disease can lead to death. Travelers to countries where rabies is endemic should consult a physician for advice on rabies vaccination.

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Prevent your dog from coming into contact with stray or unfamiliar animals. Have an AVS license to participate. Get animals from legal and trusted sources: animal farms and AVS approved pet stores. Before bringing live animals into Singapore from overseas, obtain an import permit from AVS. Avoid buying dogs from online sources and do not support the illegal puppy trade. Finally, if your pet is sick, consult your veterinarian. In Singapore, rabies vaccination for animals is recommended but not mandatory. Other countries may require your pet to be vaccinated against rabies if you are traveling with them. Consult your veterinarian for more information.

As in humans, the incubation period in animals is up to 6 months and the animal does not show any clinical symptoms.

Clinical signs of rabies are highly variable and may not be detected in the early stages of the disease. Dogs with rabies may exhibit severe behavioral changes and paralysis, among other symptoms:

Can I Get My Dog Vaccinated For Free

If you see an animal showing any of the above clinical signs of rabies, report it to AVS (1800-476-1600) immediately.

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There is an incubation period between exposure to rabies and the appearance of symptoms, usually a few weeks to a few months.

Initial symptoms include fever, headache, general weakness and itching at the site of the animal bite. As the disease progresses, symptoms may include confusion, disorientation, restlessness, anxiety, insomnia, aquaphobia (fear of water), seizure disorder, muscle paralysis, and hunting. Once symptoms appear, the disease progresses rapidly, leading to death from cardiopulmonary arrest within 10 days.

Pre-exposure vaccination is recommended for people traveling to areas of the world where rabies is endemic or where they have been exposed to the rabies virus as part of their work. Veterinarians, animal handlers and some laboratory workers.

Rabies vaccines are available in government hospitals and some private clinics. For more information about vaccine availability, contact the hospital/clinic first.

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Yes, all mammals, including cats and bats, can be infected with rabies, but only a few species are important for the persistence of rabies. In over 99% of human rabies cases, the virus is transmitted by dogs. There are also reports of cats dying during rabies. Fish, birds, reptiles and amphibians are not susceptible to rabies.

Bats are generally shy and do not attack or show aggression if someone tries to handle them. For your safety, do not feed or approach bats. If contact with bats is necessary (for example, to remove an injured bat from a building), follow WHO guidelines for handling bats:

4. Glue the cardboard to the container and cut a small hole in the cardboard for the bat to breathe.

Can I Get My Dog Vaccinated For Free

Wash cuts and scrapes immediately with soap and water for at least 15 minutes. Wash mucous membranes (eyes, nose, mouth, etc.) with water.

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Seek immediate medical attention and report any animal bites or scratches.

If a rabies outbreak occurs, rabies-exposed individuals should receive rabies vaccine and immunoglobulin as appropriate. Vaccines and immunoglobulin are available at animal bite referral centers such as Tan Tock Seng Hospital.

If you experience an animal bite with clinical signs suggestive of rabies, report it to AVS (1800-476-1600) as soon as possible. You are concerned about vaccination, which reduces the spread of disease worldwide and is one of the most effective public health interventions, potentially preventing 2 to 3 million deaths each year. Vaccination is also important for the health of animals and for the prevention of diseases that can be transmitted to humans.

How certain diseases are transmitted between humans and animals is often overlooked, but an important part of public health is the monitoring and regulation of animal health and well-being. Due to the interconnectedness of animal and human health, the demand for vaccines will clearly change, and coordination between human and animal health is important to improve public health.

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The basic principle of vaccines is very simple. Vaccines inject killed or weakened pathogens such as bacteria or viruses and their toxins into a person. Over time, people and animals develop immunity to fight and protect against disease and illness in the real world.

The higher the proportion of people or animals that are vaccinated, the better for the population as a whole because the spread of disease can be prevented or prevented. The social benefit of vaccination is that many people use vaccines as a protective barrier in societies, making it difficult for infectious diseases to spread.

Singapore has been rabies-free since 1953, thanks to strict import and quarantine requirements for importing animals from infected countries.

Can I Get My Dog Vaccinated For Free

Although rabies is a fatal zoonotic disease (usually transmitted through the saliva or scratches of infected mammals), the best protection against rabies is vaccination. It is 100% preventable in humans and animals with vaccination and proper treatment after exposure.

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Rabies vaccination is one of the most important parts of living rabies-free, along with blood tests, dog licensing and quarantine procedures. The Department of Veterinary Medicine identifies dog populations in areas at high risk of rabies introduction and administers rabies vaccinations to these dogs. As you can see, it is important to be vigilant and do our part to eradicate rabies in Singapore.

Prevention is better than cure. Not only is vaccination coverage important, but it is also important to have proper awareness about vaccination and promote other preventive measures to control the spread of disease.

An important part of pet ownership is making sure your pet is properly vaccinated. Other health care measures include obtaining your pet from a reliable source, veterinary practices and hygiene practices, flea and worm treatments, dog licensing and mechanical examinations, and general health examinations. This encourages proactive monitoring of your pet’s health, as keeping your pet healthy can help fight disease.

Although Singapore is rabies-free, rabies can enter Singapore from neighboring countries. If you plan to travel to an area where rabies is endemic, ask your doctor if you should be vaccinated before you travel. Be careful when you go out and avoid animals in these areas.

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